
The Success Cycle – Achieving What You Want in Life

At 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 6th, Michelle Harkey, owner of Mullein Leaf Massage, will give a Ruby K’s Community Hour presentation on how to put yourself into a peak state so that your life is on the path of an upward spiral.

MichelleHarkeyMarathonYou may be wondering, what is an “upward spiral?”

“Many philosophers have noted the correlation between our metaphorical everyday manner of speaking and actual patterns in life. This is one of them,” Michelle said. “There is a cycle, actually a spiral, in life which we all go through. Typically we notice it in other people when they are experiencing difficulties. We say things like, ‘He’s sure in a downward spiral. He’s going to hit rock bottom soon and bounce back up.’”

Harkey’s talk will inspire you to stimulate your own upward spiral toward success.  Harkey said, “Wherever you are in life, you can get on this path. You will walk away from the talk with information on how to move your life forward in productive ways.”

Harkey has a coaching certification from the Robbins-Madanes Center For Strategic Intervention. As a life coach, Harkey can share information, provide structure and hold you accountable for staying on a successful path. Her training is designed to get results, and she practices what she preaches.

“Implementing this program for myself over the past five years has really made a difference for me,” said Harkey.

Her recent achievements are impressive: As a single mom of three kids she started a successful small business in Los Alamos. On May 18th she completed her Masters in Liberal Arts from Saint John’s College, in Santa Fe. On the same day she ran the Huff to Bluff Marathon, in Bluff Utah.

“Most of us don’t know what the Success Cycle is and we certainly don’t know how to manage it to our benefit,” said Harkey. “Join me to learn about how you can accelerate your upward progress or gain inspiration to start.”

Find out more about Michelle Harkey at

Ruby K’s is located at 1789 Central Ave, Suite 2. Their phone number is 662-9866.