It feels so Zen in here!

I spent time this afternoon getting rid of all the clutter on the shelf in my dining room.

Now, the shelf is nearly bare, has no haphazard stacks of books, no toys, no papers, and no piles of loose change.

It’s completely nonfunctional. Purely decorative.

For some reason that makes me feel good about myself. Like I’ve made it.

The shelf makes me feel calm, in control, and successful. The feeling of overwhelm is at bay… for now.

You gotta love the little things that you can do to feel successful. But no matter how good the shelf makes me feel, it will make very little impact on my business or yours.

So I’m also doing something that will help us both move forward in a calm and methodical way.

I’d like to help you get a strong start in 2019 with a free 8-Step Strategic Communications Plan consultation.

When you create an 8-Step Strategic Communications Plan, you start with a specific problem or opportunity that your business is facing and develop your communications plan around that. Since you are planning the communications tactics strategically, you know they will move you closer to your goals and you won’t waste resources on things that don’t work.

Click here to sign up for the free 15-minute consultation where I walk you through the 8 Steps so that you can create the plan for yourself.

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