Have you seen my keys?

Have you seen my keys?key with Lawrence University keychain

(Just kidding… but not really).

One of my special quirks is that whenever life gets stressful I lock my keys in my car.

The sad truth is that it even happens when that stress is positive. Like last week when I had an interview at a big, well funded and prestigious company. I was in a great mood afterwards, because they said they would start hiring me for writing projects. It was a great opportunity!
I bought a celebratory latte, and put it in the front seat console. While I was downtown, I figured I’d get one more errand done – I was going to scan a bunch of articles so I could put them on my website.
In the process of shuffling my articles, coffee, purse and portfolio I locked my keys in my car!
I called my friends and D&P lock. Ten minutes later they were jimmying the door open and getting my keys back. Then, get this. Less than two hours later I lost my keys again while picking up my kids from school.
I felt so bad about myself for losing my keys that the glow from the new opportunity was gone. All I had was the gloom of lost key induced low self esteem.
I’m telling you this because increasing your income can be stressful. Most people are equipped with all kinds of hang ups and self-limiting beliefs and when you start to make more money, your subconscious will find a way to self-sabotage.

It’s been something that I’ve been learning to deal with since I started my copywriting business. Because copywriting, at it’s core, is all about finding ways to make more money.

When you hire me, you better get an extra set of keys because I’ll be on a mission to increase your income as soon as possible.

Interested? Give me a call at 505-515-7001.

Talk to you soon!
P.S. This week I’m getting ready to go to Florida and learn from the best in copywriting business, catch up with friends and colleagues and probably fill my calendar for the rest of the year. (I’ll keep a close watch on my keys, cell phone and wallet… because my income always goes up as a direct result of this conference.)
P.P.S. I found the keys the next day in my daughter’s backpack. I got three copies made. That should hold me for a while.